About Us


Beginning Our 48th Year!

The club was organized in September, 1977 as a means for enthusiasts to share their passion for America's Sports Car. Our club has several members who continue to enjoy this relationship of nearly half a century!. We are a family oriented organization and everyone is welcome to bring their spouse, significant other, kids, grandkids...even the dog!

Club events include :  Cruises, Parades, Car Shows, Rallys, Picnics, Just plain "showin' off the Corvettes"
and MUCH more !


Over the years we have participated in hundreds of parades including the Indy 500 Parade, Veteran's Day Parade, Morristown Soap Box Derby, Beech Grove Festival and many more.

Each year we host the Indiana State Fair Car Show. We also host the All Indiana Corvette Fun Day in Brown County State Park.

Much of the club's efforts benefit charities such as Damar Center, MDA, Kidney Foundation, Spina Bifida Association, Animal Shelters and others. 
We are proud to serve the Indy Metro area.

If this sounds like you, or if you would like more information...


Steve Styer (sdstyer33@yahoo.com)

Bracken Rork (bracken.rork@att.net

Call 317-270-2843

Member National Council of Corvette Clubs

  In Association With
Ray Skillman Chevrolet
3891 S. Post Rd​

   Club meetings are held at Ray Skillman Chevrolet   
1st and 3rd Thursdays 
of each month at 6:00 pm

*See "Events" page for details on meeting dates and location.
2025 Officers

President:  Steve Styer

Vice President: Steve Taylor

Governor: Bracken Rork

Secretary: Joni Johnson

Treasurer: Ron Hittel

Membership Director: Dave Jones

At Large Board Member: Dave Johnson

No Club Members Are Paid For Services